
下載由Sphero,Inc.開發的App,包括「SpheroEduJr」、「SpecdrumsMIX」、「SpheroPlay」等。,Sphero'seducationalSTEMrobotsandSTEAMkitsintroduceskids5+tocodingconcepts,programming,andcircuitrythroughplay-based ...,CreateapowerfullearningenvironmentinyourhomeorclassroomwithSpherorobots.Madeforkidsofallages&skilllevels.,FindSphero&littleBitsaccessoriesatSphero.com.Fromterrainparkstodonglesforlit...

App Store 上由Sphero, Inc. 開發的App

下載由Sphero, Inc. 開發的App,包括「Sphero Edu Jr」、「Specdrums MIX」、「Sphero Play」等。

Coding Robots and STEAM Kits for Kids & Teens

Sphero's educational STEM robots and STEAM kits introduces kids 5+ to coding concepts, programming, and circuitry through play-based ...

Coding Robots

Create a powerful learning environment in your home or classroom with Sphero robots. Made for kids of all ages & skill levels.

Shop Sphero & littleBits Accessories

Find Sphero & littleBits accessories at Sphero.com. From terrain parks to dongles for littleBits and everything in between, ...


As a leading STEM learning company with interactive robotics & STEM education kits, Sphero teaches kids to code at home & in classrooms. Order online now!

Sphero Edu

Sphero Edu 是您與Sphero 機器人一起建立、分享和學習的中心。除了使用程式碼,您還可以透過獨特的STEAM 活動完成機器人的各項設定。 Sphero Edu 是為各種不同程度的 ...

Sphero Edu

Sphero Edu 是您與Sphero 機器人一起建立、分享和學習的中心。除了使用程式碼,您還可以透過獨特的STEAM 活動完成機器人的各項設定。 Sphero Edu 是為各種不同程度的 ...

Sphero Edu on the App Store

Sphero Edu is your hub to create, contribute, and learn with Sphero robots. Go beyond code by incorporating unique STEAM activities to complete with your bot.

Sphero 迷你活動套件

Sphero 迷你活動套件:應用程式啟用可程式化機器人球,含55 件結構組- STEM 教育玩具,適合5 歲及以上兒童- 駕駛、遊戲和代碼遊戲和教育應用程式. Amazon 的 選擇


奧斯丁國際有限公司為BBC micro:bit及Raspberry Pi樹莓派基金會官方授權台灣直營代理商,並同步代理經銷多項國際STEAM教育品牌商品。